Gather round your mobile devices dear listeners. I want to tell you a sad story about lost relevance. I want to speak about Ward 8 Councillor Terry Whitehead. It’s become very clear that Terry has lost his way. He’s flailing about looking for political relevance.
His consistently inconsistent communication damages not only how we view and participate in municipal government, it also damages the very future of our City. This has gone way beyond what some Councillors would like us to believe - just Terry being Terry.
In his most recent op-ed, the Councillor has taken to attacking residents who believed Council meant it when they voted to adopt one of the 7 strategic objectives called Community Engagement & Participation.
Truth is, not all of us can hear what’s not being said the way Councillor Whitehead can. He hears what people aren’t saying. Does that make him Hamilton’s own Constituent Whisperer?
All on this edition of The Cityist.
The Graham Crawford Show, with your host Graham Crawford
Executive Producer: Alex Zafer
All shows are produced and recorded by Dave Beatty at Q.E.D. Media in downtown Hamilton.
Visit the official Graham Crawford Show website