If you’re looking for direct, hard-hitting and powerful insights from experts about affordable housing in Hamilton, this is a Graham Crawford Show you simply must not miss.
Our three expert panelists share information and insights about what we’re doing well, what we could do better, and where we need to go in the future.
As challenging as providing affordable housing is, there is room for hope. And our guests provide it. One of the most thought-provoking shows we’ve done so far. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to our special guests:
Renee Wetselaar, Senior Planner, Social Planning and Research Council
Graham Cubitt, Director of Projects and Development, Indwell
Laura Cattari, Vice President, Canada Without Poverty & Campaign Coordinator, Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction
The Graham Crawford Show with your host, Graham Crawford
Executive Producer: Alex Zafer
All shows are produced and recorded by Dave Beatty at Q.E.D. Media studios in downtown Hamilton.
This edition of the Cityist is about leadership. Leadership of the municipal kind. The kind of municipal leadership I think most of us would like to see more of. When I started to put my thoughts together for this show, I found myself reflecting on what kinds of questions I’d been hearing from Councillors over the past few months related to LRT. In particular, I thought about questions I’d heard asked by Councillors of Paul Johnson, our senior staffer on the LRT file. Then, I asked myself a question. Do questions BY leaders raise questions ABOUT leaders? Think about that for a second.
Can we judge the skills and expertise of our Councillors by the quality of the questions they ask?
I think the answer is yes.
Thank you for listening to this edition of The Graham Crawford Show. Let's keep talking Hamilton.
The Graham Crawford Show with host Graham Crawford
Executive Producer: Alex Zafer
All shows are produced and recorded by Dave Beatty at Q.E.D. Media studios in downtown Hamilton.
This month on the Paul Wilson edition of The Graham Crawford Show, we start by talking about one of Hamilton’s past manufacturing giant, International Harvester and the recent column Paul wrote about some ex-employees and how they’re working to keep its history alive.
From there, Paul and I have a conversation about some of the other industrial giants in our history, most of which had plants along Burlington Street including one where I worked in the mills as a summer student - Stelco. Join us as Paul and I discuss industry, Hamilton and our disappearing history.
Listen to Paul and Graham have a lively chat about the glory days of Hamilton's manufacturing history.
--Read Paul Wilson's article on The Spectator web site here
Graham Crawford Show, hosted by Graham Crawford
Executive Producer: Alex Zafer
All shows are produced and recorded by Dave Beatty at Q.E.D. Media in downtown Hamilton
This week’s Graham Crawford Show focuses on the biggest single infrastructure project in Hamilton in generations - LRT.
Our regular Civic Panel consisting of Ryan McGreal, Maureen Wilson and Peter Graefe take a strategic planning approach to frame our discussion. SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats. And PEST - Political, Economic, Social & Technological.
All in all, it makes for an intense, no holds barred discussion full of facts about Light Rail Transit and its implications on city building in Hamilton. You won’t want to miss it.
Let’s keep talking Hamilton.
Host, Graham Crawford - Visit www.grahamcrawfordshow.com
Executive Producer: Alex Zafer
All shows are produced and recorded by Dave Beatty at Q.E.D. Media in Hamilton